IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

20 Мая 2018
20 Мая 2018

Russian (Русская версия обзора по ссылке ниже):


Sola (#Sola ):

Web: https://sola.fou ndation/

Telegram: @solaplatform

Whitepaper: Read

Token: SOL (1 SOL = 0.1$)

HardCap: 5 Million USD

Total Token Supply: 100 Million SOL (50 Million available for purchase)

ICO Date: 27 November - 22 December


Sola (acronym for Social Layer) is the decentralized social platform that incentivizes and benefits all involved parties — users, third-party developers and the core team.

Sola is the successor to Plague (the company's previous project, running for 3 years and having 650,000 users using iOS, Android and desktop client), significantly upgraded with the possibilities of blockchain. Sola inherited an unique approach, proven social mechanics, all data and the user base of Plague.

Sola app, the first app built by the core team, serves as a central hub of the Sola ecosystem, attracting a mass audience for the developers' community apps. Sola doesn’t use the concept of following. It spreads information like a viral disease to the most interested users, applying AI algorithms combined with users reactions. Sola operates with a beautiful full-screen card stack. Once you open the app, you begin to get cards one by one. You can skip or endorse each card. Endorsed cards are shown to more users.

Sola is the first decentralized social network that spreads your posts like a virus and pays you for it. Mobile phone verification and SOL cryptocurrency allows us team set referral programs for acquisition of new users, ensuring transparency and effectively stimulating program members. Sola economy powered by SOL, a utility token with a monetary function, that allows to reward users and sell services in efficient and transparent manner. Sola generates revenue from advertising, user payments and partnerships and splits it with users, providing strong financial incentive to use service and create quality content, that results in further revenue increase.

Authoritative and experienced representatives of the blockchain industry actively participate in the work of the company (Mike Brusov, founder of Cindicator, successfully attracted $ 15 million during one of the most transparent sales in the market, and Ronny Boesing, the founder of Open Ledger, the world's first block-conglomerate) .

The team created Sola to succeed in its mission - to democratize access to the audience and to allow all participants in the process to take advantage of this approach. The relatively low hardcap (only $ 5 million) leaves room for growth, and the existing working product proves that the team is moving in the right direction.

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