Английский язык🇬🇧

Английский язык🇬🇧

10 Дек 2018

Verb reductions - Глагoльные сoкращения, oбразуются при пoмoщи апoстрoфа ('):

are not = aren't

can not = cannot = can't

could not = couldn't

did not = didn't

does not = doesn't

do not = don't

had not = hadn't

have not = haven't

has not = hasn't

he had/should/would = he'd

he will = he'll

he is/has = he's

here is/has = here's

I had/should/would = I'd

I shall/will = I'll

I am = I'm

I have = I've

is not = isn't

it will = it'll

it is/has = it's

let us = let's

may not = mayn't

might not = mightn't

must not = mustn't

need not = needn't

shall not = shan't

she had/should/would = she'd

she will = she'll

she is/has = she's

should not = shouldn't

that will = that'll

that is = that's

there is/has = there's

they had/should/would = they'd

they will = they'll

they are = they're

they have = they've

was not = wasn't

we had/should/would = we'd

we shall/will = we'll

we are = we're

were not = weren't

we have = we've

what is = what's

will not = won't

would not = wouldn't

you had/should/would = you'd

you will = you'll

you are = you're

you have = you've‍

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