Новая Визуальная К͙ультура

Новая Визуальная К͙ультура

22 Янв 2019

𝕸𝖆𝖟𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖐𝖚𝖑𝖑: 𝖑 ⠀

Maze of the Skull: I.

Proud to represent collaborative art project with talented UK-based artist @billelis .


When he is born, a baby's head is filled with the knowledge of space. The circumference of his skull is as infinite as the twirlings of the universe. His eyes look out with the blur of eyes which see for all species. He has remembered his own nature from past patterns. Now his heart beats through rock, sky, oceans. He feels the silence and the sound all around the world beneath his skin.

We all hold somewhere deep within us the truth we accepted in innocence. The seas, the forests, the soil, the atmosphere, are all vital parts of an ongoing system. By harming any part of it we must ultimately harm ourselves. It is that simple.

— Jay Woodman, SPAN.

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