

12 Авг 2018

Если у вас есть лишние шесть с половиной часов, послушайте Well-Tuned Piano (1964), опус магнум американского минималиста Ла Монте Янга. А перед этим прочитайте, как его слушать — краткий гид The Guardian и подробный разбор Кайла Генна (все нужные ссылки внутри статьи).

«Kyle Gann, The Well-Tuned Piano's most extraordinarily perceptive critic and advocate, sums up the delirious temporal mind-funk the piece creates: "In an 'eastern', timeless way [Young, like Terry Riley, was a student of Pandit Pran Nath], the work can be listened to as a static articulation of a set tuning, a continuous present in which concepts of before and after are irrelevant. In a 'western' way, it can also be heard as a unidirectional time-pattern of thematic development in which earlier melodies return altered and at different pitch levels. Perhaps it is more accurate to say, avoiding quotation marks and over-worked stereotypes, that the WTP [Gann's abbreviation] manifests with equal emphasis both poles of the psychic qualities immanent in all musical listening. Few works so satisfy the desires of both structuralist and ambient listeners» https://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2013/mar/25/contemporary-music-guide-la-monte-young

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