🈹 Как пишутся привычные нам на слух имена и названия (с японского, корейского, китайского) на английском?
Kim Jong-un - Ким Чен Ын
PyeongChang - Пхёнчхан
Shinzo Abe - Синдзо Абэ
feng shui /ˌfʌŋ ˈʃweɪ/ фэншуй
kanji - кандзи
Supporting Vocabulary:
zeitgeist - дух времени, актуальный тренд
to encapsulate - олицетворять, резюмировать, охватывать
snap election - внеочередные выборы
priest - жрец, священник
to plump for - остановиться на чем-либо
nuclear meltdown - расплавление активной зоны ядерного реактора
🔹 Every December the people of Japan select a kanji character that best sums up the social and political zeitgeist of the previous 12 months.
After a year dominated by the regional nuclear crisis, there was perhaps only one serious candidate for word of the year 2017: north.
🇯🇵 The single character,
pronounced kita in Japanese, encapsulates the country’s unease over North Korea’s advances in developing a nuclear arsenal, according to the Japan Kanji Aptitude Testing Foundation, which organises the annual poll.
🎎 “It was the year in which people felt threatened and anxious by North Korea following repeated ballistic missile launches and a nuclear test,” the foundation said. A total of 7,104 people out of 153,594 voted for the character, which forms the first part of the Japanese name for North Korea – kita chosen.
📧 In the autumn, Abe called a snap election and said would determine his approach to Japan’s two “national crises”: the growing elderly population and North Korea.
The kanji announcement,
broadcast live on TV, was made
this week at Kiyomizu temple in
Kyoto, where the head priest,
Seihan Mori, wrote a giant version of the character with an ink-soaked calligraphy brush.
🎏 Previous kanji of the year have similarly reflected conflicting sentiments among the Japanese public.
In 2016 they plumped for kin – a celebration of Japan’s 16 gold medals at the Rio Olympics, but a reminder too of the resignation of Tokyo’s governor, Yoichi Masuzoe, over an expenses scandal.
Catastrophic events during the course of the year mean there is often little debate over the choice of kanji. In 2011, sai – disaster – was chosen following the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown along Japan’s north-east coast in March that year.
In 2008, Japan marked Barack Obama’s victory in the US presidential election by selecting the ideogram hen, meaning change.
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👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 43%
30000 – 5K
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 41%
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👍👍👍 16%
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👍 12%
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