AfternoonTea & English

AfternoonTea & English

23 Янв 2019

На днях посмотрела фильм «Стекло», который очень сильно ругают критики, сегодня почитаем их отзывы:

🍅I obviously feel mixed on GLASS. It is, in many ways, an almost perfect representation of Shymalan's strengths and weaknesses as a filmmaker; his tools and excesses. What makes him great was all on-screen, right along what makes him so frustrating

▫️feel mixed (mixed feelings) — иметь смешанные чувства

▫️representation — представление

▫️excesses — чрезмерность, неумеренность

🍅The result may only be satisfying for true believers, but in a pop culture awash in tights and capes, maybe it's OK for a little navel-gazing into our collective obsession with superheroes.

▫️awash — затопленный, заваленный

▫️cape — накидка, капюшон

▫️navel-gazing — вдумываться и прислушиваться к своим чувствам

🍅For those intrigued but not anticipating too much, it's the sort of flawed but reasonably entertaining effort that can be viewed as "Glass," half full

▫️anticipating — предвосхищать

▫️flawed — бракованный

🍅The concept is intriguing but the emotional payoff is negligible, the surprise ending is feeble and the whole enterprise resembles a recycling bin.

▫️negligible — незначительный

▫️feeble — слабый

▫️resemble — походить, иметь сходство

🍅You have to admire Shyamalan's efforts to deconstruct a genre that he evidently loves, yet there is just so little to haunt or to fool us in the result, and a few sharp laughs might have helped his cause.

▫️evidently — очевидно

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