Люблю the Guardian. Вот статья о том, как сейчас появилась мода на "лайфстайл", а не одежду. Здесь упоминается, что сегодня молодые люди предпочтут потратить деньги на бранч (и другой experience), чем на новые шмотки. 🥗 Бранч (по крайней мере в Лондоне) - отдельная тема. Модные заведения стали известными именно засчет своих бранчей. В общем, a fascinating read. #tuesday_news
Style is dead: why brunch has replaced fashion
👗Style is dead, long live lifestyle. Across the UK, sales of clothes are falling as we choose to spend our cash on going out for brunch. (Or on going to the gym, on a festival ticket, on a holiday.) 🥊An aspirational Saturday afternoon is no longer about going shopping; it is an Instagram selfie from the farmers’ market showing you and your best friend in your leggings you wore to boxing class (£15), splurging on flowers (£8) and walnut bread (£4.50) before getting some Korean brunch (£10).
👑Style has always been about lifestyle. A ballgown is a beautiful object, but nobody ever paid bought it purely for the love of organza: the expense, the balls are implied. The lifestyle has always been absolutely the point. Nowadays, going out to eat does not require much to be an event. So if your gym clothes and a favourite pair of jeans look good enough for dinner, why shop for anything else? Since what we really, really want is the life, rather than the look, a stuffed wardrobe is now just about as modern as a wallet stuffed with stamps.
NEW WORDS 💸long live: да здравствует
💸brunch: бранч
💸aspirational: желательный 💸to splurge on (something): потратиться
💸walnut: грецкий орех
💸expense: расходы
💸stuffed: набитый, полный
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anonymous poll
15000 – 5K
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 43%
30000 – 5K
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 41%
5000 – 2K
👍👍👍 16%
👥 12481 people voted so far.
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anonymous poll
Нет – 952
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 88%
Да – 133
👍 12%
👥 1085 people voted so far.