SkyRock Signals

SkyRock Signals

1 Июн 2018

On June 2, EOS.IO (EOS) will launch its blockchain and new token.

If you have not already done so, you must have to register your old EOS tokens by June 1.

Registering means linking your Ethereum address where you hold your current EOS tokens to your EOS public address.

If you do not act by June 1, your EOS tokens will be worthless.

Please note: This only applies to subscribers who previously purchased EOS. EOS is currently a hold. If you have not yet purchased EOS, we recommend waiting until it comes back within buying range.

You have two options.

1. Register your tokens yourself. The process involves a few steps, but it’s the most secure way to get your new EOS tokens. The instructions are on the official EOS website

2. You can move your EOS to an exchange that will register them for you, like Binance. All you need to do is leave your coins on the exchange until after the EOS blockchain goes live on June 2.

Important Note: Please be aware there is always the small possibility that an exchange has a technical issue and can’t do the conversion. Under this scenario, your tokens would be worthless. That’s why we recommend registering your own tokens as the safest way to ensure you receive your new EOS tokens.

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