IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

20 Мая 2018
20 Мая 2018

Billionaire, you're wrong! 😡

As you know, sometimes we recommend interesting channels about cryptocurrencies which we are following ourselves.

And today we will tell you about the channel $10 of Buffett.

Its creators want to prove billionaire W. Buffett that he was wrong when he called the Bitcoin a "soap bubble".

Every day these guys invest $ 10 in cryptocurrency and publicly show what comes out of it. They make comments on their steps; describe what currency they bought and in simple words explain their actions. And all this without asking you for anything in return.

They are not engaged in daily trading and technical analysis, they have a different approach – to search for some interesting projects and invest in them for a long-term.

🎁 By the way, when their channel 10$ of Buffett! have 15 000 subscribers (that must be quite soon), the creators will raffle out 30 bitcoin-checks among them!

So, if you like investing in the "bought and forgot" style, then you should definitely sign up to 10$ of Buffett!


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