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IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

20 Мая 2018
20 Мая 2018

Universa continues to grow

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Universa Review from @IcoReview team

The Universa project, led by Alexander Borodich, which ICO successfully completed on December 9th and collected more than $28M, continues world expansion. Universa is a blockchain that is thousands of times faster than Ethereum or Bitcoin, and the price of its transaction is hundreds of times smaller.

Over the past 10 weeks, the team has done a massive job of developing its own quick and smart blockchain and steps have been taken to introduce it into the government and business segments. Universa Blockchain's offices and academies are planned and prepared for opening around the world. On the basis of the Universe Blockchain, many projects are launched on TokenSale. The large hackathon UniversaHack2018 will be held on March 16-18 in 11 cities at once. From the latest news: - During the last month in Davos Universa entered into partnership with Ernst & Young

- A deal with Novotrans. Novotrans is one of the largest cargo transportation operators in Russia, Universa will ensure the "digitization" of the wagon trains and will transfer the current condition to the blockchain. Tokenization of cargo transportation, digital history of wagons and smart contracts for shippers.

- In Malaysia, Universa Blockchain together with its partners will implement a system of distribution and control of social benefits for 6 million people, which will allow controlling every illegitimate use of the allocated funds with the use of blockchain technology.

- Universa will take part in the World Mobile Congress, which takes place on February 27 in Barcelona, and according to the CEO's statements, very important news is being planned.

- Mainnet release with the use of UTN tokens is scheduled at the end of March.

Almost 2 months there were no opportunity to purchase the ERC20 project token - UTN-P (which with the Mainnet release can be exchanged for UTN in a 1: 1 ratio), but on February 8, with the initiative of the Cobinhood exchange and the consent of the Universa leadership, the UTNP-BTC pair and UTNP - ETH became available. The large demand for tokens was confirmed by the price at which they began to bargain from the first day. It was a five-fold increase, compared to the price of Token Sale. The UTN-P token became the most popular on that exchange, with a daily trading volume of more than 1M USD, which is a record for the Cobinhood.

Most recently, Universa appeared on the TOP-10 Exchange - HitBTC. The current price of the token on HitBTC at the moment is 4 cents. To decide whether to invest in this project now, what work is being done and what features are expected, you can subscribe to the news channel in telegram.


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