IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

20 Мая 2018
20 Мая 2018

ICO calendar for the week 12 Feb – 18 Feb

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Русская версия ICO календаря:


12 February

Jury.Online - Secure communication between bidders with the possibility of attracting independent arbitrators

Sphere Social – Decentralized social network

13 February

REMME - building an open source distributed Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) protocol with a set of DApps, enabling passwordless authentication for humans and devices. Narrative - A social media network that rewards content creators, moderators, and everyone who positively influences the quality of content on the network

14 February

Colu Local Network - A decentralized payment network powered by communities

15 February

FarmaTrust - is the most efficient global tracking system which provides security to the pharmaceutical companies, governments, regulators and the public, that counterfeit drugs do not enter the supply chain

Attention Network - is a blockchain and Ethereum powered auction system to make advertising better for everyone

🔎CREDITS (#credits ) - CREDITS is an open blockchain platform with autonomous smart contracts and the internal cryptocurrency. The platform is designed to create services for blockchain systems using self-executing smart contracts and a public data registry

Thrive - Blockchain based Marketplace to buy and sell advertising at very low fees

Fabric Token – Transforming ideas into DApps

RightMesh – Decentralized mobile mash networking platform using blockchain technology and tokenization

16 February

Coinvest - The world’s first decentralized investment trading market for cryptocurrencies

17 February Lympo – Monetizing sports and heatlh data via blockchain

ODEM - Powering Higher Education in the Real World using the Blockchain

18 February Moscoin – Lottery for the blockchain era

Stealthcrypto - Makes cloud storage, IoT , and communications secure and faster

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МДКач, у меня важный вопрос: Вы когда-нибудь ебали бабу без сознания? anonymous poll Нет – 952 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 88% Да – 133 👍 12% 👥 1085 people voted so far.