IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

20 Мая 2018
20 Мая 2018

Game Machine (#gamemachine ):

Russian (Русская версия обзора по ссылке ниже):


Web: https://gamemachine.io/en/ico

Telegram: @gamemachineico

Whitepaper: Read

Token: GMIT (2500 GMIT = 1 ETH)

SoftCap: 3 000 ETH (~1 Million USD)

HardCap: 40 000 ETH (~15 Million USD)

Total Token Supply: 140 Million GMIT (100 Million available for purchase)

ICO Date: 14 December - 31 January


Game Machine - blockchain platform for game project investing.

The game idustry market is growing rapidly, but there are a lot of gamers who don't want to spend real money in free-to-play games, they are afraid to join the ICOs and don't believe in an actual crowdfunding. It's hard for developers to attract the audience into the new game and gain on their projects, and investors doubt every gaming product, as there is no united base for a detailed analysis and research of the project's audience before it's launch. Game Machine platform offers solutions for all the participants of the industry:

• Gamers mine currency in a real working client. They exchange it to the ingame items and invest into new projects

• Developers get an opportunity to create their own tokens and realise ICOs, the CPA model is the best solution for connecting gamers and developers

• Investors will become real participants of the market, attracting resources only in the verified and reliable gaming products. • Smart contracts will provide the safety for all the Game Machine system

Join Game Machine token sale and get 15% bonuses today!

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