IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

20 Мая 2018
20 Мая 2018

Russian (Русская версия обзора по ссылке ниже):


Aigang (#aigang ):

Web: https://aigang.net work/

Telegram: @aigangnetwork

Whitepaper: Read

Token: AIX (1 ETH = 2000 AIX +10/15% bonus in first hour/2hours)

HardCap: 45,000 ETH (~14,5 Million USD)

ICO Date: 15 November - 15 December


Aigang is creating a new insurance platform for our IoT world. It’s an automated insurance platform built using DAO and smart contracts. Aigang will create a world where we don’t need humans to manually review policies. Instead, Aigang’s advanced DAO will analyze claims and charge policies based on its assessed information.

Aigang’s digital insurance system is easy to use and can be accessed on any mobile device. The Aigang testing app is available today for iOS and Android, where the platform is running on a testnet. You can cancel any Aigang contract any time. In case of any fault, you’ll receive a payout instantly with no questions asked delivered with using of smart contracts (written in Solidity).

Aigang’s first insurance product is a battery insurance for your phone poweed by Ethereum. You sign up, then receive a payout in the event your device’s battery fails during the term of your contract.

AIX token is offered in exchange to investors for offering fiat currencies to back the free reserves that will be used to pay out premiums if needed. The profits will be distributed among token holders through smart contracts. As usual with any blockchain organization, the tokens will be tradable on exchanges.

Aigang Network was formed in 2017 to research and develop prototypes for digital insurance built on, and powered by, blockchain technology. Using data from the battery insurance

smart contracts, proof of concept has been demonstrated for the insurance protocol and the workability of the platform. IoT and smart device data has been used to develop a working insurance product in the Testnet Ethereum environment, and has been implemented for iOS and Android apps.

With smart contracts and a tokenised system that assesses risk, Aigang team building a platform for autonomous insurance, usable by any manufacturer or insurer, introducing the future of insurance for a new cutting-edge technology infrastucture, including drones, mobile batteries, and autonomous cars.

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