IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

IСО Rеviеw - Обзоры IСО

20 Мая 2018
20 Мая 2018

Russian (Русская версия обзора по ссылке ниже):


Neuromation (#neuromation ):

Web: https://neuromation.io Telegram: @neurotokenNTK

Whitepaper: Read

Token: Neurotoken - NTK (1NTK = 0,001 ETH)

HardCap: 60,000 ETH (~18 Million USD)

Total Token Supply: 100 Million Neurotoken (NTK)

ICO Date: 28 November - 1 January, Pre-Sale is active until 28 November


Neuromation is a technology platform that creates synthetic learning environments for deep learning of neural networks. These simulations are then used for training better algorithms. Neuromation building a platform of distributed computing for creating artificial worlds where AI algorithms are trained on simulated sensory input. These synthetic worlds also have a virtually infinite supply of perfectly labeled training data. AI plays, as with video games, in order to learn specific real-world tasks. Their technology is crucial to making Deep Learning-based systems useful as they are taken up by industry in the real world. With Neuromation, the future has arrived, in which computers teach computers to perceive. Neuromation is the first client of it’s own distributed computing network. They have developed “Neuromation Labs” that create synthetic data and train deep learning models on live applications. Retail Lab

In Neuromation's retail lab they have partnered with OSA HP and ECR to supply 170,000 item synthetic retail data set for Eastern Europe. The contract potential is over 4.25M Euro over 18 months time frame. Here is an example of the model deployment on a mobile device.

Medical Devices Lab

In their medical devices lab Neurmation have partnered with MonBaby, a leading infant tracking technology provider, to create a smart camera to augment their existing offering. The camera will be tracking motion of the child and giving their caretakers valuable analytics. Neuromation will be receiving a revenue share from each sold device. Revenue potential is 2M+ euros over the next few years.

Neuromation have announced their partnership with Hacken, aiming at auditing and improving the security of the code and cloud infrastructure. In addition to this, TaaS fund also partnered with Neuromation. Tokens issued during the pre-ICO phase will be offered with a 25 percent bonus in Neurotokens for investors who register through the whitelist.

Beyond 2018, team expect Neuromation to become a definitive destination for businesses to develop their AI capability. Their Neurotokens are the primary exchange mechanism enabling synthetic data generation, distributed model training, data labeling and other AI services. They envision being a global resource pool for synthetic data. An ever growing library that would have data sets for every conceivable use case. As they tie in service providers into the platform, Neuromation aims to be an enabling ecosystem for all AI.

The advisers of the Neuromation project are Andrew Rabinovich - world leading scientist in Deep Learning and Computer Vision research and David Orban - the Founder and Managing Partner of Network Society Ventures, a seed stage global investment firm focused on innovative ventures at the intersection of exponential technologies and decentralized networks.

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