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#vocabulary Ornament — игрушка, украшение Example: We have the exact same ornament at my house.
19 Янв 2019
#phrasalverbs Envious of — завидовать Example: Maybe it just became difficult for him to love a woman who was so envious of her own daughter?
18 Янв 2019
#listening https://youtu.be/yNLdblFQqsw
18 Янв 2019
#vocabulary Mistletoe — омела Example: She decreed that mistletoe would never again be used as a weapon and that she would place a kiss on anyone who passed under it.
18 Янв 2019
#phrasalverbs Kick the bucket — откинуть копыта Example: Maybe after I use up all his money he'll kick the bucket.
17 Янв 2019
#listening https://youtu.be/4fuHzC9aTik
17 Янв 2019
#vocabulary Fireplace — камин Example: Each flat has a fireplace and the atmosphere of a real English home.
17 Янв 2019
#phrasalverbs Exposed to — поддаваться Example: They are sucked into gang wars and organized crime, where they are exposed to abuse and violence.
16 Янв 2019
#listening https://youtu.be/yWO-cvGETRQ
16 Янв 2019
#vocabulary Decoration — украшение Example:Forged products are handmade in the present — is indispensable decoration of interior and exterior of buildings.
16 Янв 2019
#phrasalverbs Over my dead body — только через мой труп Example: The only way you're going back to jail is over my dead body.
15 Янв 2019
#listening https://youtu.be/9P6rdqiybaw
15 Янв 2019
#vocabulary Candle — свечка Example: Such sensation, that you burn and to become swollen, as a candle
15 Янв 2019
#phrasalverbs Experienced in — опыт в Example: This has made me a experienced in working with several computers, operating systems, technologies.
14 Янв 2019
#listening https://youtu.be/Jsj-hDW9bS8
14 Янв 2019
#vocabulary Hayloft — сеновал Example: The truth is, you're still hiding in that hayloft.
14 Янв 2019
#phrasalverbs Hair of the dog — похмелиться Example: We should have a hair of the dog, then look for it.
12 Янв 2019
#listening https://youtu.be/vyUnzfMh-zA
12 Янв 2019
#vocabulary Stable — конюшня Example: He operates the biggest stable in the whole metropolitan area.
12 Янв 2019
#phrasalverbs In his cups — в своей стихии Example: Impossible to say with Stephen, especially in his cups.
11 Янв 2019