Magic English 🇬🇧

Magic English 🇬🇧

2 Апр 2018
19 Мая 2018

#reading 🌀#vocabulary The Men Who Guard The Queen💂🏻‍♂️

They are perhaps the best known icons of Britain, and if you've ever been to London, you've probably seen them. They are the soldiers in bright red jackets or shining helmets, who stand outside Buckingham Palace, or in Whitehall. They are men who can stand absolutely still, even when tourists tell them jokes, touch them, push them, or try to make them move.

They look identical, and they march like robots.

But who are these soldiers? Are they actors or real soldiers?

Some people are surprised to learn that they are real soldiers; and the guns that they carry are very real too. The guns are not just for show; they are loaded!

The men who stand guard outside Buckingham Palace and certain other royal palaces are in fact some of the best-trained soldiers in the British army. They belong to a number of historic regiments, such as the Grenadier Guards or the Scots Guards.

📍Проверим слова:

🔹an icon - значок

🔹a helmet - шлем

🔹identical - идентичный

🔹a regiment - полк

🔹loaded - заряженный

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