

30 Ноя 2018

Key Vocabulary

stir - to move,movement

hung - to fasten or attach (a thing) so that it is supported only from above or at a point near its own top

chimney - a vertical structure that allows the passage of smoke

nestle - to lie close and snug

snug - warmly comfortable or cozy

nap - to sleep for a short time

clatter - noise

tore - rip

lustre - radiance of beauty, excellence

sleigh - large

reindeer - large deer

rapid - with high speed

dash - to move with violence; rush

hurricane - very big rain and wind storm

obstacle - something that obstructs or hinders progress

courser - a thing suitable for running or chasing

prance - to dance or move in a lively or spirited manner

paw - to strike or scrape with the paws or feet

hoof - an encasing protecting the foot of an animal such as horse

St Nicholas - another name for Santa clause

tarnish - to ruin, make dirty or destroy

soot - a black dirty substance

bundle - several objects or a quantity of material gathered or bound together

dimple - a small, natural hollow area or crease seen when smiling

stump - the lower end of a tree or plant left after the main part falls or is cut off

pipe - smoking utensil

wreath - a circular band of flowers, foliage, or any ornamental work, for adorning the head or for any decorative purpose

plump - well filled out or rounded in form

elf - a magical being

thistle - a prickly plant

Supplementary Vocabulary

eggnog - a drink made of eggs, milk or cream, sugar, and, usually, rum or wine

white Christmas - having Christmas with snow

snowman - a figure of a person made of packed snow

carol - a Christmas song or hymn

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