

25 Окт 2018

Global View - Urban Legends #D0360

A: Have you read all these crazy things that are going on around the world?

B: What do you mean?

A: I was reading about how some people get tricked or drugged in their hotel rooms and have their organs removed! Then they are sold on the black market.

B: Don’t tell me you actually believe all that? Don’t be so gullible, they are just urban legends. They are just stories people make up to scare you.

A: Well, I was also reading about how some popular songs have subliminal or even satanic messages if you play them backwards! Can you believe that?

B: You really think an artist or songwriter is going to go through the trouble of putting subliminal or satanic messages in a song? Don’t be so naive!

A: Well maybe you are right, but how about the story of how KFC has rows of headless chickens which are super grown in order to get bigger chickens faster!

B: Sounds a bit too far fetched to be true don’t you think?

Key Vocabulary

black market - any system in which goods are sold and bought illegally

gullible - easily believing something that is not true

urban legend - stories that are exaggerated or not true

make up - invent

subliminal - something that persuades in a sub conscious way

satanic - relating to Satan or the devil

naive - having or showing a lack of experience, judgment

far fetched - improbable; not naturally pertinent

Supplementary Vocabulary

myth - an untrue story

boogie man - a fictional being that scares children

cynical - a person who believes that only selfishness motivates human actions

grounded - quality of not letting emotions or impulses get the best of you

realist - a person who tends to view or represent things as they really are

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