

6 Сен 2018

Global View - Last Will And Testament #D0212

A: I, Luke Thompson, residing in California, being of sound mind, do hereby declare this instrument to be my last will and testament.

A: I hereby revoke all previous wills and codicils.

A: I direct that the disposition of my remains be as follows: I am to be cremated and taken to the summit of Mount Everest where my ashes will forever remain at the ceiling of the Earth.

A: I give all the rest and residue of my estate to my spouse, Betty Thompson, should she survive me for days. If my spouse, Betty Thompson, does not survive me, I give all the rest and residue of my estate to EnglishPod.

A: If neither Betty Thompson nor EnglishPod survives me, I give all the rest and residue of my estate to my heirs as determined by the laws of the State of California, relating to descent and distribution.

A: I appoint Robert Porter, to act as the executor of this will, to serve without bond. Should Robert Porter be unable or unwilling to serve, then I appoint Jason Smalls to act as the executor of this will.

A: I herewith affix my signature to this will on this the twenty third of May two thousand ten in the presence of the following witnesses, who witnessed and subscribed this will at my request, and in my presence.

Key Vocabulary

reside - live in a place permanently

sound - free from disease or injury; in good condition

hereby - by means of or as a result of this

last will and testament - a paper made to settle property after one’s death

remains - the body of a dead person

summit - the highest point; top

estate - everything you own; all your assets

appoint - choose someone to do a particular job

affix - add or append

subscribe - to sign at the end of the will or contract

spouse - a person’s partner in marriage

revoke - cancel

Supplementary Vocabulary

responsibility - to be held accountable

directions - a set of actions

residence - a person’s house or dwelling

donation - to give something free of charge (usually of value)

funeral - a celebration of a person’s life after passing

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