

31 Авг 2018

Daily Life - Applying CPR #D0198

A: Hello everyone and welcome to our CPR for beginners course. First of all, does anyone know what CPR stands for?

B: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation!

A: That’s right! We apply CPR in the case of cardiac arrest or pulmonary arrest.

B: What does that mean?

A: Well, basically if your heart stops pumping blood, or your lungs stop pumping air, then we need to get them going again! That’s when we have to apply this procedure. Let’s begin! I need a volunteer.

B: Me! Me!

A: Alright, come here and lay flat on your back. Let’s suppose this young woman has stopped breathing. We must lift the person’s chin so that we clear a pathway for air to get into the lungs. Then we place our mouth over the other person’s mouth and blow air two or three times, like this.

B: Wait, what are you doing? I’m a married woman! You can’t just try to kiss me like this!

A: Ma’am I’m not trying to kiss you! I am trying to demonstrate how to apply CPR in the case of an emergency.

B: Well, ok. But no French kissing!

A: As I was saying, we blow air through the mouth in this manner. Once this is done, we must try to get the heart going again. To do this, we place our hands over the person’s chest, and press down firmly two or three times.

B: Wait, what are you doing! You can’t just kiss me then go for second base!

Key Vocabulary

cardiopulmonary resuscitation - emergency procedure for reviving heart and lung function

stand for - represent

in the case of - in the matter of someone or something

cardiac arrest - failure of the pumping action of the heart

pulmonary arrest - the cessation of breathing

procedure - a manner of proceeding

volunteer - a person who performs voluntarily

lay flat - lie down with all parts of the body touching floor

on your back - face-up lying on the floor

suppose - assume to be true

French kiss - a kiss in which the tongue enters the partner’s mouth

go for second base - touch the breast

get going - let something work again

Supplementary Vocabulary

Heimlich maneuver - a series of abdominal thrusts used to expel an object a person is choking on

concussion - a brain injury that is caused by a sudden blow to the head or to the body

stroke - the rapidly developing loss of brain function(s) due to disturbance in the blood supply to the brain

hemorrhage - a discharge or escape of blood

go into shock - a marked loss of blood pressure, diminished blood circulation, and inadequate blood flow to the tissues

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