

20 Авг 2018

Daily Life - Weather Forecast #D0097

A: ...And now, let’s go to Kenny Williams for today’s weather forecast.

B: Thank you Bill, and good morning Salt Lake City!

A: What’s the weather looking like today, Kenny?

B: Well, it’s a bit of a mixed bag in Utah today; we’ve got heavy cloud cover here in Northern Utah, and we’re calling for scattered showers throughout the day, with a day-time high of forty-five degrees. Now, if we move down to the south of the state, we can see that a cold front is moving in. We can expect clear skies, but it will be quite cold, with temperatures hovering around the thirty degree mark.

A: It’s a chilly day folks, so don’t forget your coats! What about tomorrow Kenny? Do you have good news for us?

B: Well, it’ll be a rainy day for Northern Utah; we can expect some isolated downpours in the morning. Winds will be coming in from the North East, with gusts reaching twenty-three miles per hour. Salt Lake City can expect the rain to turn to sleet in the evening. Things are looking a bit better for the South; we’ll see cloudy skies with a chance of showers. Later in the day, we can expect partly cloudy skies, with a forecast high of thirty-eight degrees.

A: You heard it folks! It’s gonna be a cold one!

B: That’s right Bill. We will have more later on today on the six o’clock news. That’s the weather forecast for this morning.

Key Vocabulary

scattered - something that is spread all over an area

hover around - stay near a certain level or place

come in from - to enter or arrive from somewhere

forecast - a statement of what will happen in the future

mixed bag - a collection of different kinds of things

cloud cover - the amount of sky that is covered with cloud

call for - saying that some type of weather will happen

shower - rainfall in a short time

cold front - leading edge of a cooler and drier mass of air

chilly - very cold

isolated - limited to one area

downpour - strong, sudden rain storm

gust - strong, sudden increase in wind speed

sleet - a mix of rain and snow

partly-cloudy skies - having some cloud and some sun

Supplementary Vocabulary

hail - small balls of ice that fall from the sky

drizzle - light rain

hazy - describes when air is not clear because of fog or smog

fog - small drops of water that float in the air

blizzard - a very strong snow storm

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