Global View - Protest! #D0018
A: This is Action 5 News reporter Sarah O’Connell reporting live from Washington, D.C. where a protest has broken out. Thousands of angry citizens are protesting against the proposed bailout of the auto manufacturing industry! Sir, sir, Sarah O’Connell. Can you tell up what's happening?
B: Yeah, yeah, we are here because we feel this is an injustice! The financial irresponsibility of big business has to stop! We’re here to show the government that we don’t like the way that they’re spending our tax dollars
A: Sir, but what exactly is making everyone so angry?
B: It’s an absolute outrage, Sarah, the US government wants to give twenty-five billion dollars of taxpayers’ money to the auto industry. These are companies that have been mismanaged and are now nearly bankrupt.
A: I see. But, many supporters of the bailout argue that it could help save the jobs of millions of hardworking Americans.
B: That may be true, and I for one don’t want to see anyone lose their job, but how can these CEOs ask for a bailout when they’re making millions of dollars? And then they have the nerve to fly to Washington in private jets! This costs hundreds of thousands of dollars. They're asking for money, that is just not right.
A: Good point. This is Sarah O’Connell reporting live from Washington D. C., back to you, Tom.
Key Vocabulary
protest - an event where people gather together to show disapproval of something
break out - start suddenly
bailout - the act of saving a company form money problems
injustice - an unfair situation
outrage - something that is morally wrong
mismanage - manage badly
have the nerve - dare to
Supplementary Vocabulary
placard - sign people hold at protests, usually a piece of cardboard on a stick
rally - public meeting in support or opposition of something
demonstration - event where people gather together to show that they support or oppose something
demonstrators - people who go to a demonstration or protest
opponent - a person who opposes something or someone
proponent - person who supports someone or something
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